Getting to Know Web GIS: Second Edition

Getting to Know Web GIS: Second Edition

作者: Pinde Fu
出版社: ESRI Press
出版在: 2016-10-03
ISBN-13: 9781589484634
ISBN-10: 1589484630
裝訂格式: Paperback
總頁數: 350 頁


Featuring detailed, step-by-step exercises, Getting to Know Web GIS, Second Edition, teaches readers how to share resources online and build web GIS applications easily and quickly.The workbook covers the Esri suite of web GIS technologies, including ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS for Server, web app templates, Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS, ArcGIS API for JavaScript, the Collector for ArcGIS mobile app, mobile SDKs, and 3D web scenes. This second edition includes the latest upgrades and advances, such as smart mapping, AppStudio, ArcGIS Pro and Scene services.Unlike books that focus on individual products, this book teaches web GIS technologies as a holistic platform. In each chapter, students complete an application project using multiple products from the browser/client side to the server side. Data for completing the exercises is available for download.


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